Fabio belli

Fabio Belli was a dedicated and respected member of our community, not only as a committed councillor to the City of Sudbury, but also as a businessman, community organizer, and most importantly, family man. Fabio recognized the significant contribution that individuals can make to their own community, and tirelessly worked to help transform his City towards a bigger and brighter future.

The Fabio Belli Foundation was created in 2016, in order to honour Fabio and further continue his passionate work.


The Foundation

Our Mandate

According to a City of Sudbury recreational city plan from 2014, Greater Sudbury can support a double indoor field and its population does not have any indoor facility for indoor recreation during our long winters. Open Space/Leisure Master Plan 2014

The Fabio Belli Foundation will contribute to the physical, mental and social well being of the community by:
•     Build and operate an indoor multi-sport facility
•    Create programs that promote and increase health literacy
•    Emphasize the importance of sustainability
•    Helping the public and private sectors work together

The organization will fulfill its mandate by delivering high-quality services in a cost effective manner with a focus on community satisfaction. 

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The Future


Currently, the main focus of the Foundation is to build and operate an indoor multi sports facility in Greater Sudbury.

As a Foundation we are working to establish community partnerships to meet the goal of building this multi-sport facility.  We will work with private, public and government agencies to accelerate success.  

As a non-profit entity, we are committed to ensure the facility is built and operated in such a manner that will be efficient and cost effective for all citizens of Greater Sudbury.

The Fabio Belli Foundation will put all profits back into the community to further improve facilities and access for all citizens.
Fabio's vision will be fulfilled.


Board of directors